Sneaked my bulimic dog Sherman into the library today. The fact that he's bulimic has nothing to do with this story, I just added it to give you a better understanding of Sherman's touching vulnerability. Like, if I had a friend with a harelip, I'd refer to him as my harelipped friend.
Anyway, we had to clear out because the exterminator had to spray my house for ants. (I know, ants in January. What's up with that?) So Floyd and I had to bring Sherman with us so he wouldn't get poisoned. We transported him in his travel bag (Sherman, that is, not Floyd) and no one noticed. The longer I do this project, the more I realize that no one notices anything. Which makes me wonder: why the hell have I been so timid and rule-abiding all these years?
Checking in on all your new adventures and am impressed. You even had an epiphany that most people really don't notice. They even buy treats they didn't choose.
Reading the Yellow Pages is a bit over-the-top scary. :)
Okay I'll do you know a dog is bulimic? Are all the bitchy clicky other dogs making him sit alone with his low self esteem in the cafeteria? How does he get a hold of the Ben and Jerry's and oreos? And...ewwww that I'm sure he can't reach the toilet for his purging. Sorry for you and Floyd on that front.
Then there's the flip side where people notice little details, like asking if that spot where I chew my fingers is a medical condition...
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