The county is expecting a romantic rush on Valentine's Day, but we just dashed over between stops at the video and grocery stores. Still, it made me both smiley and teary. Ten other states now have similar arrangements. Thirty-nine to go.
Here we are with some random lesbian DPs:

That light between us isn't the reflection of the flash--it's God's light shining down on our holy union. And those bags under my eyes are from waiting for equal rights.
Congrats, boys!
Thanks. Floyd says we made blushing domestics.
Congratulations :) In England now we have Civil Partnerships - which sounds a tad more formal, but a little less like a cleaning service. I'm glad to hear Oregon has something similar on the go.
Yay for you both.
Congratulations!!!! What a day! Are you going to have some kind of reception now? It would be fun to celebrate in a big way. You all look so happy in the photo—it makes me smile too.
After we got married in Canada, we threw ourselves a party but we (foolishly) said, "Your presence is our present." We weren't going to throw a party this time but, darn it. We want the gifts.
Congratulations from one DP couple to another! We did ours up here in Sunny Washington last summer, and we wish you both the joy and contentment we've had. It doesn't change anything, really, but it's still a solidly good feeling, isn't it?
Congratulations again!
We had a register for "de facto" couples for a few years, but now gay marriage is legal. There is still some trouble with joint adoptions, but it is fast going away. And lots of men talk about "my husband". The fact that a few of the bravest, most respected men in Spain are openly gay, and have married their partners, doesn´t hurt the cause.
¡¡¡Änimo y al toro!!!
Aw. This is so sweet. The bit about the light and the bags? Hi-larious.
Mazel tov! Does that make you my cousin by domestic partnership?
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