Monday, April 21, 2008

New Day #116

This week I'm a guest blogger at Guest blogger. It sounds so friendly, doesn’t it? As in “be my guest” or “guest of honor.” Actually, it’s a polite way of saying “unpaid,” but let’s not quibble. If mega-successful authors like Susan Orlean and Christopher Moore work for free to publicize their books, desperately ambitious wannabes like myself can, too.

As the guest, I felt it only right that I bring a hostess gift. So I made chocolate chip cookies for the employees of, following an old family recipe:

Go to Costco.
Purchase cookies.
Try not to eat them all.

It’s the Cindy McCain approach to homemaking. Then I dressed up like the cover of my new book, Attack of the Theater People, because, well, in terms of career planning, I adhere to the Jacqueline Susann method of flagrant self-promotion. Some people ask “What would Jesus do?” I ask “What would Jackie do?”

Not one employee asked me why I was dressed like the secret love child of Siegfried and Roy, though some seemed legitimately frightened to take a cookie.

Here I am in the break room with Jesus himself.

To read more about what I have to say about Jacqueline Susann, click here.

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Anonymous said...

OMG Marc...we must be related because that is MY family recipe. I am the queen of the fake bake for all PTA/homeroom/cub scout type events. My personal twist, is to actually place the cookies on a plate with perhaps some powdered sugar on top...just like mom used to make. Wait, no, mom was off playing tennis and having pub lunches she didn't even bother to fake it!

Anonymous said...

Before becoming an eastside Seattle suburbanite, I lived a few streetcars away from Powell's, and love it so much, I crossed the picket line some time back to go in.

Speaking of Seattle, I see a May 6 visit! In addition to your new book, can you sign HIPFC for me? I have a hard cover addition(by accident but still have nonetheless) which warrants a signing. How about it?

Marc Acito said...

Just try and stop me. Hell, I'll sign other people's books if you'd like.

See you there.

Hillary, love the powdered sugar trick. I'm totally gonna use that.

dpaste said...

Is Jesus single?