I'm not even sure how to define today's New Thing. All I can say is that is one of the most exciting things ever to happen to me as a writer.
Today's Oregonian reported on Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky, a University of Oregon senior and environmental activist who spent three and a half days up a tree this week to protest logging and raise awareness of global warming. And what did she do to fill the time?
She read How I Paid for College.
You'll rarely find me at a loss for words, but this is one of those times.
Well, that is definitely something to behold! I'm happy to say that I feel almost like a Mormon Missionary with your books. I'm tempted to start going door to door to get the word out about how fantastic your works are. I must've spent 200 bucks on your novels for friends. I've yet to hear one complaint. I think you have two amazing hits and I can't wait to read more!!!
By the way, I just finished How I Paid for College and enjoyed it thoroughly. I was laughing my ass off through most of it. And brought to tears at others.
I too was Jesus in Godspell. I shared a similar experience of the audience bursting into applause. It brought back a lot of memories.
I didn't steal a Buddha though.
So I'm guessing that while protesting, we could hear gales of laughter coming from that tree-tent?? I can't think of a better book to take if you are gonna be stranded somewhere...One would never feel alone if Edward Zanni is along for the ride.
You've had an Awe-Inspiring week!
APPLAUSE for Marc Acito, master of laughter!
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