Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Day #164

In the sitcom of our lives, none of us in my neighborhood can agree on the plotline. Tellingly, all of us want to play the nutty neighbors. With that in mind, I enlisted the help of the Peacocks, the hen of which is a personal chef and dietician who taught me how to make homemade ice-cream.

I was kind of hoping for the old-fashioned hand-cranked variety, which not only feels very summer porch circa 1902 to me, but would've given me an excuse to skip the gym, but I worked with what I had.

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dpaste said...

I got somthin' for you to crank, right here!

Oooh, what flavor?

Greg said...

Mmmm.....iced cream. i could go for a big dishful with hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Oops...I think I gained a few pounds just thinking about that....