I biorowed it frpm mu friend Kayhwrine, who tppl part in a give a laotpp get a laotoo prpgrM. so a kid in africa npw gets a computer
its on;y 200 bucks pre which is greay. ×and yhey e so yiny and lightweight.
×b×uy I giess my fingers are bigger ytham ypuit aberage ×african child/.

I've got this beautiful vision of a third world child watching the Marx Brothers on YouTube...
I had to grow my nails longer so I could send text messages from my new phone - and it's got a "big" keyboard.
For a second there I thought that was you in drag. Well, with a few extra pounds.
Your post looks a bit like when I send emails from my iPhone! Only my spelling is better as it "corrects" me as I go. If you don't pay attention, it will turn your email into nonsense. This is the price we pay for technology!
Thanks for the linkage. You rule!
Um, what?
Hey Marc
Wanted you to know that you and your blog inspired me and my blog today. Check it out
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