Friday, November 7, 2008

New Day #316

Got to see myself profiled on Oregon Art Beat, where they actually filmed me in my pajamas in bed. Click here to watch the segment. I'm relieved to report I didn't make a complete ass of myself.


Anonymous said...

The video is FANTASTIC. I am so happy you made it, as ,being here in Madrid, it is going to be difficult to go to any of your shows.

¿ Is there a way to buy the DVD of the whole performance, plus the profile?.

By the way, it was good to see your dog with you. He does not seem at all sick, or shy... a performer´s dog, undoubtedly. said...

So great, Marc! That was really a treat.

Marc Acito said...

Thanks, Aaron and Maria. As for a DVD, none yet, but who knows?

Rick Bettencourt said...

Wow, that was really great! When are you coming to Boston? : )

David said...

Very nice Art Beat feature! A well rounded overview of some of your many talents!

You've had some very interesting chapters to your life so far, and the book is only about half written...

therese patrick, author said...

You're much better in person, but, it's a great portrayal of an amazing author and i hope it becomes a smash hit on U-tube.

Anonymous said...

I like thinking of your book as a love story...since I was from "there." :) Great segment on Art Beat! Brillant, once again. Or should I say "still."

Valerie Willman said...

Very cool.

gay CME guy said...

I'm still trying to catch up, and haven't seen the video yet, but I'm extremely suprized to learn that you wear pajamas!?


Another illusion of one of my favorite literary artists shattered!

Ellen Kimball said...

Hi Marc,

You had K. C. Kaufman sitting on your bed with you! That is so cute!

I'm going to watch the video at the link.

Make it a great day!
