Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Day #6

Went to visit my Mini-Me, who's home from Vassar. Young Grant is indeed me at nineteen, except he's five feet tall. Here's a picture of him playing Teen Angel:

Anyway, the minute I walked into his house his mother and sister informed me that they've now seen me naked and, apropos of nothing, have I ever played Super Mario 64? Even though I came of age in the 80's, I hadn't, so I proceeded to learn because a working knowledge of Super Marios 1-63 isn't required.

So I got to kick things and make them explode.

I also found a new route to get home, which is the example I gave when I first proposed the idea for this project. I like the metaphor. I'm not trying to make a dramatic change to my life, I just need to find a new way home. After living in the same house for nearly eighteen years, I wasn't sure it was possible.

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