WHat amazed me was that I could make the sandwich so eaesliy. OF course, I’ve lived in my house mfor seventeen years, and having m ebeen making tuna fish sandwiches for twices as long. NO , what’s more astonishing to me isis that I can already tell how badly I’m tyiping this. Which is a bummerr , because, hello>, I’m a porfessionala writer r
MAbyet I ought bto be a professional sandwich maker instead.
That was a thousand times better than I could have done. I have to watch my fingers as I type. Even as I write this comment I am unable to take my eyes off my fingers. So Kudos on the skills...
HAHAHA you make me laugh. Thank you.
I feel like I spend half my life walking around with a blind fold on. lol. Not bad really. You get used to banging into furniture after a while. The dog thinks its funny.
Touch-typing was the singlemost important skill I acquired in my entire life (Thank you, Stella Chilek!)
Tunafish, however, remains a "dark art" which was only successfully practiced in my life by my late mother. Aside from the fish it involved an onion, some celery, poppy seeds, mayo (Hellman's east of the Mississippi, Best Foods west of it) and TLC.
Did you remember to add TLC? Huh? Didja?
Professional Sandwich Maker? Having a little Arthur Dent envy are we?
Holy crap. "Glindbolded"? This may be my favorite post to date. Hee-larious. I don't think I could find the mayo blindfolded. And if I was blindfolded in my house, there'd be an injury, what with all the crap spread about in places it shouldn't be.
Marc, I love this blog of yours. This posting is sheer silliness and just what everyone needs in their life. thank you, thank you, thank you.
thank you for stopping by and for entertaining me with your blog.
Thank you for amusing my evening :)
Do you know what's sad? Your writing blindfolded - better than most of the kids in my class with both eyes open and a pencil in their hands. *sigh*
Never tried to make a sandwich blindfolded...would try, but I can just imagine turning up in the A&E with my chopped of finger in a bag of ice, and trying to explain...
"well, you see, I was blindfolded, and there was a butter knife..."
They'd probably think it was some kind of kinky sex game I was involved in.
I once took a hiking trip across Wales without any corrective eyewear, but that's as far as I've gone.
I would need to at least see my fingers on the keyboard to start, otherwise I'd probably be off center and typing dp,ryjomh yjsy ;ppld ;olr yjod/
ROTFL! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your site. I've had a really crappy day, and you've just made me laugh and laugh a lot! You're better than Prozac (not that I take Prozac--not that there's anyting wrong with taking Prozac). Your "NEW DAYS" escapades are like a nice little treat everyday (without the calories!).
Thanks for making me laugh.
well, since no one else did it I will tyr doing a comment with my eyes closed. I atype pretty good so I think it will be all right? Probably too soon to tell...what can I say, you are an inspiration. Lova ya.
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