Today I was a
couturier. Normally I prepare for the annual
Red Dress Party by grabbing some frock off the rack at Ross Cross-Dress for Less, but this year I was inspired to design my own.

So I turned to my friend BoBo, who alternately pretended to be the host of
Project Runway, insisting it was "Make it work time," or hand stitching like he was my ladyboy laborer in a Thai sweatshop.
Check back in two weeks for the results.
And for the record: your gown is the last to be sewn on the old Viking machine. It's dead. Stitched its last stitch. Now I have to buy a new one...Yippee!
What fun! I may have to come out next year. That gives me a year to make my red dress. Hmmm... already the wheels are spinning...
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