In case you're wondering, my hand was not eaten by an alligator, I'm pointing at that green button to start the movie.
Which begs the question: why does it take two complicated clickers for me to watch a movie at home, but it only takes one little friggin' button at a movie theater?
Your opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at a movie theater brought up a memory of mine from childhood. On Saturdays, our local theater would run a double-feature for kids, like The Love Bug with Blackbeard's Ghost. In the intermission, they'd throw up the house lights and draw for prizes. The biggest thrill of our young lives was to have your ticket stub number drawn so you could go down the curtained-off hallway, up the stairs and onto the stage to draw a prize from the girl box, if you were a girl, or the boy box, if you were a boy. The biggest thrill would be followed by the biggest humiliation if, for example, a boy got confused and drew from the girl box. One Saturday, my number was drawn and the wonderful joy was mixed with heart-pounding dread that I'd pick from the wrong box and have to face a theater full of jeering children. Luckily, I drew from the correct box, receiving a giant book of paperdolls. Can I remember what I had for dinner last night? No, but I can remember every detail of that day at the movie theater.
I checked your blog out and loved it. Then I saw your website and I think at one point I actually squealed. I saw you were a writer and besides men and movies is my favorite thing to do. The summaries of our books sent me into a tizzy. I hope you are available locally. I am sure you are since you are in Portland. I'm so getting your book. I love finding new authors.
The sound booth. Boy that brings back high school memories. I was a geek. In fact, queen of the geeks. I was Audio Visual Aid for FOUR years. Can you imagine? geeze. I went to all the dances...never left the sound booth though. I was the only girl in AV. Which was fine. That is where I began my reign as Queen of the Geeks. Then moved on to being the only female in the Chess club. And surprisingly...not one guy ever asked me out. Hmm, wonder how come?. I loved my geeks.
Oh how FUN! I cannot WAIT until my one man show... how thrilled are you?!
Will there be a tour to NYC?
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