"Marco! The Musical" rocked the house tonight with a beer-drinking, book buying audience of 350. In another first, audience member Pat Janowski literally stopped the show when she flung her bra onstage as if I were Tom Jones.

Let the avalanche of panties begin.

Yea! Theatre man! Go! Go!
I give "Marco! The Musical!" two thumbs up and count myself lucky to have been among the 350. I would gladly fling my undergarments in your general direction for an encore performance of "Till There Was You." That was a showstopper. Any chance of seeing that on You Tube? Will you, yourself, be recording "Attack of the Theater People" on books-on-tape (or CD), and more importantly, will you sing on it? If so, I may need to add the audio version of the book to the hard copy now in my quivering-with-excitement (but not particularly jazz) hands. Bravo! Bravo!
The audio book is due out soon, but it's being read by Jeff Woodman, who read "How I Paid for College."
The video footage from last night will be on Oregon Art Beat in the fall.
Thanks for being there.
and that was a first for me too, so there you go.
How exciting! Can't wait to see you in LA!!
Well, I just purchased both How I Paid for College and Attack of teh Theater People.
I'm looking forward to watching them.
If I flung my undergarments at you, would you do better than look at it distastefully while stepping over it? I brought my mom and sis' to see Tom Jones, and my lone thong was up on stage for all to see him snub it. I was sooooo embarrassed! Now I KNOW you've got more goin' on than that Tom guy! Smooches! See ya tonight!
Sigh... we made commemorative Attack of the Library People shirts, but we were upstaged by a bra-flinger. Librarians, for the most part, are not bra-flingers. We like order, and removing bras invites sartorial disarray. Oh well.
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