Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Day #136

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I finally taught myself how to text message on my phone. Actually, let me be more precise: I tried to teach myself. Because when I typed the simple sentence "This is my first text," all these default words kept popping up. "This" became "ugh," then "thigh." (Why is "thigh" a default word?) Then "my" insisted on turning into “on,” “no,” or “noon," while "first" became "feed."

So I ended up sending the following message:

Thigh is on feed text.

Okay, it's a start.

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Debbi said...

Don't feel bad. It has taken me years to figure it out. But my teenagers can text, eat, watch tv and be im'ing online all at the same time. Multitasking. But ask them to take out the garbage, or change the cat box, and suddenly they can't do ONE thing at a time. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Switch off the predictive text! That's why weird words are coming up...

It's funny to me that it seems in the US texting is just becoming a big big thing. Here in the UK I swear children are being born who can text, email and operate heavy maachinery from the womb...