Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Day #356

As I close in on the final twelve days of this project (but who's counting), I feel like I'm supposed to amp it up for some final kick-ass adventures. Y'know, really knock it out of the park. But the truth is I'm staggering to the finish line, still feeling that nagging anxiety of whether I'll come up with enough interesting ideas.

Then I remind myself that one of the points of this year was to not only invigorate my life with extraordinary moments, but also to invest in the ordinary. To pay closer attention. To fall in love with my life.

Like today's New Thing wherein I learned the simple act of how to flip onions in a pan. I must confess that flipping anything in a pan (like omelettes or crepes) had somehow passed from Something I Don't Know How to Do to Something I Was Sure I Couldn't Do. Yet, as with learning to throw a frisbee, it's all a matter of learning the proper technique. In this case, from my culinarily gifted friend BoBo.

Look how hard I'm concentrating. You'd think I was splitting atoms. But see how the onions are flying up out of the pan?


Rick Bettencourt said...

So what's up for 2009? And will we get a top ten of 2008 adventures?

David said...
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David said...

Now that's an action shot! Beats flippin' burgers.

Marc Acito said...

All will be revealed on the 29th.

Fran said...

"Invest in the ordinary". I do like that. It's so easy to overlook the beauty in the everyday. Thank you!

patsypalooza said...

i think ordinary skills like these can impact your life more than you know! everytime you cook w/onions now, you'll flip 'em like crazy and your mad flipping skillz will only get sharper and sharper. now you need to teach ME how to flip onions in a pan.

john kilty can flip pancakes with one deft flick of the wrist. one of the reasons i married him.

patsypalooza said...

oh, and he can also throw pizza dough in the air!

therese patrick, author said...

Invest in the ordinary - that's a concept to live by.

ally said...

and I love that your teacher does so with martini in hand!